- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Himachal Pradesh
(As on 31st March, 2023)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat
Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh
(As on 31st March, 2019)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2018)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2017)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2016)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2015)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2014)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2012)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2011)
- Number of Gram Panchayats and Block Panchayat Samities in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2009)
- Number of Community Development Blocks (CD Blocks) in Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.3.2008)