- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production of Reeling Cocoon, Raw Silk and Employment Generation in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production of Reeling Cocoon, Raw Silk and Employment Generation in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production of Reeling Cocoon, Raw Silk and Employment Generation in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production of Reeling Cocoon, Raw Silk and Employment Generation in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Mulberry of Raw Silk Production in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2017-2018)
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production and Value of Reeling Cocoon in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production and Value of Raw Silk in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu
- Production and Value of Raw Silk in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2016-2017)
- Production and Value of Reeling Cocoon in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2016-2017)
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2016-2017)
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2014-2015)
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2008-2009)
- Production and Value of Raw Silk in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2008-2009)
- Production and Value of Reeling Cocoon in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2008-2009)
- Production and Value of Reeling Cocoon in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2007-2008)
- Area under Mulberry in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2007-2008)
- Production and Value of Raw Silk in Viluppuram District of Tamil Nadu (2007-2008)