- Number of Degree Colleges, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools Exclusively for Girls in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2009)
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- Number of University, Degree College, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2009)
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- Number of Primary Schools, Enrolment and Teachers in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 30th September, 2008)
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- Number of Middle Schools, Students and Teachers in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 30th September, 2008)
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- Number of Primary, Middle and Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (2006-2007)
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- Number of Primary, Middle and Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools in Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh (2005-2006)
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